How To Use Simple Mindfulness Tools To Keep Calm During Uncertain Times

Mindfulness is one of the best tools to stay calm and balanced and sharpen job concentration and performance amid pandemic uncertainty. You can practice mindfulness in several different ways and to varying degrees. If you have the time, dedication, and interest, you can practice focused attention mindfulness meditation. You set aside time in the day to…

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Teaching Art Journaling as Meditation Practice

How Art Journaling and Meditation Art Are Changing Lives  For Rakefet Hadar, SoulPages Over the past few years, art journaling with mixed media has become so popular that it often replaces traditional journaling. Many people rely on art journaling as an intentional way to get to know themselves better. Traditional meditation teachers are exploring ways…

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Mindfulness During the Coronavirus: Harvard Professor’s Tips to Help Lower Anxiety

Source: Good Morning America The coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, continues to disrupt life as we know it. As the World Health Organization officially declared the virus a “pandemic,” cities across the country are implementing preventative measures, like “social distancing,” to try to mitigate the number of cases. To combat the scary news and anxiety around…

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